The short answer – Yes, you can make meringue in a blender. You’ll need to add egg whites and sugar to the blender. Put all of the ingredients into the blender and turn it on for about 10 minutes until you get stiff peaks. But there are some secret tips that can make the process a lot easier.
Meringue is a dessert that has gained immense popularity in France, whereas it is not so widely known in America. The primary reason for this lies in the fact that most American cooks are unfamiliar with the process of making meringue.
However, if you’re someone who wants to add a light and airy texture to your recipe, then keep reading. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the topic of whether meringue can be made in a blender or not. Additionally, we’ll provide some suggestions on the ingredients that complement meringue and the recipes that can be elevated with its addition.
What Is Meringue?
Meringue is a light, fluffy dessert topping that can be made with egg whites and sugar. The taste of meringue ranges from sweet to slightly bitter, depending on the type of sugar used. It’s often used to top pies and other desserts like pavlova or lemon cream pie. Some secret tips can help you make the most amazing Meringue in a blender.
Now we’ll tell you our secret tips and tricks that will change the way you cook forever.
Yes, it is possible to make meringue without mixer.
You’re going to love this recipe for making perfect meringue cookies, they are delicate, sweet, and excellent if you have a hungry sweet tooth!
Meringue cookies look like something impossible: full of airy foam with peaks so high it looks as though gravity is pulling them down.
But don’t worry – making meringue in a blender is super easy!
Types Of Meringue
There are three types of Meringue –
French Meringue
French meringue is a type of meringue where the sugar syrup is cooked to 240 degrees Fahrenheit.
French meringues stand apart from typical American-style meringues due to a unique aspect of the cooking process. Unlike American-style meringues that require cooking sugar with water until it reaches a softball stage (235-240 degrees Fahrenheit) before pouring it into the egg mixture, French meringue has a distinct advantage.
In the case of French meringue, this step is not required since it has already been accomplished for you. Therefore, you can skip this step and go straight to whisking the eggs at high speed to achieve the desired texture.
Italian Meringue
Italian Meringue is a type of meringue that is made with granulated sugar and water.
Meringue powder is known for its slightly chewy texture and is a crucial ingredient in making angel food cake. In case you run out of granulated sugar or water while preparing a recipe, you can substitute it with meringue powder.
However, it’s worth noting that using meringue powder may not give the same light and airy result as granulated sugar or water because it contains other ingredients that affect the final outcome.
Swiss Meringue
Swiss meringue is a type of meringue that uses egg whites and sugar to create this creamy, light-as-air confection.
The egg whites are whipped with the sugar until it reaches stiff peaks then the mixture is heated over a double boiler.
The most difficult part of making Swiss Meringue is getting the sugar dissolved into the egg whites while keeping them from turning brown or cooking too long.
If you’re not careful, your dish might turn out like an old man’s beard!
It’s important to use sweetened condensed milk because it will help keep your yolks safe from salmonella poisoning and it won’t curdle in watery environments like normal milk can do
Every type of meringue is crafted uniquely using its own special recipe.
Meringues are often used as a baking component and it’s applied to cake batters in order to make them lighter.
You can expedite the process by using a blender. If you want to go another route and use an electric whisk, it’s up to you.
Related Read: Can You Whip Egg Whites in A Blender?
Can You Make Meringue In A Blender?

Yes, you can make meringue in a blender. You will need to add sugar and egg whites to the blender. Blend for about 10 minutes until the mixture is light and fluffy. Some secret tips can help you make the most amazing Meringue.
We’re going to show you how to make homemade meringues in a blender.
This recipe is easy and will only take about 10 minutes, so grab your supplies! You’ll need: 4 egg whites at room temperature (or 1 whole egg + 3 yolks), ½ cup white sugar, or superfine granulated sugar for the best results- we recommend using caster/superfine if possible, a pinch of salt, cream of tartar, vanilla extract optional*.
Related Read: Can You Make Meringue In A Vitamix?
Take A Clean Bowl
When it comes to having meringue, settling for anything less than the best is not an option. It is crucial to ensure that the bowl used for making meringue is impeccably clean and free of any fat on its surface. Even a tiny amount of fat hiding in a corner or between the crevices of the bowl can completely ruin the taste of the final product, making it unpleasant and reminiscent of the after-effects of too many beers.
To avoid such mishaps, it is recommended to wipe down the bowl with vinegar for 15-30 seconds (if it is not plastic) until dry before starting to mix the ingredients.
Furthermore, it’s advisable to use only metal utensils henceforth to avoid any residue that might interfere with the mix.
Take Egg Whites
Before starting with the recipe, the first step is to separate four room-temperature eggs. While there are several ways to do this, using clean hands is the best approach. Although you may choose to use a gadget, using your hands is gentle and won’t break the egg yolks.
Once you have separated the yolks from the whites, transfer the whites to a mixing bowl one by one. This way, if there is any breakage or contamination in one of the eggs, it won’t affect the rest of the mixture, and the recipe won’t be ruined.
Add Cream Of Tartar
Adding salt and cream of tartar to egg whites is a good idea because the acid helps to stabilize them. However, if you don’t have cream of tartar or don’t want to buy it for some reason, you can use vinegar or lemon juice as a substitute.
These alternatives work just as well and can also add some liquid to your final mixture.
Add Sugar
Okay, so you want to know if granulated sugar will work as a substitute for superfine.
The answer is yes but it might take some time depending on how much the recipe calls for that type of sugar and what other ingredients are in there.
If all else fails, try using more than one teaspoonful at once or adding an extra egg white with the cream of tartar and vanilla extract before whipping up your meringue!
The egg whites in the bowl are starting to form frothy peaks, and now it’s time for us to add sugar.
You want to do this slowly so that you can get a good texture on your French meringue.
If you’re making standard marshmallow-style cream (which we are), then by adding the sugar really gradually like I’m doing here, you’ll be able to turn these guys into fluffy mountains of sweetness!
To get the right texture in your meringue, you need to do it a tablespoon at a time.
Pretend that you have all of the time in the world as well because if they’re not done correctly, then there’s no hope for them going forward.
If we just dump this sugar on top or don’t whisk enough and let it cascade down into these egg whites without any direction whatsoever – when I say ‘without any direction’, I mean with more than one motion like stirring-it will never reach its full potential because air bubbles won’t be able to form properly once everything is mixed together nicely.
The sugar is not completely dissolved in the meringue, so we need to continue running it for a little bit longer.
Startup your blender again while this happens and add vanilla at 5 ml!
The addition of flavorings can be an optional but recommended step if you’re making these cookies as seasonal holiday treats like peppermint oil or almond extract.
The meringue is a little stiff, but it has sugar granules in there.
You want to let the blender run for just another minute and then check again.
It looks like this should be enough time to dissolve all of those pesky bits!
If you have any questions about what I’m doing here, just ask me before we move on – that way we’ll stay on a task together as efficiently as possible with your efforts focused right where they need to be: making these cookies perfect while having fun along the way!
The French meringue is very stiff and glossy, so you have to be careful that the sugar has dissolved before adding it into your mixture.
It’s important not to forget this step or else all of the egg whites will clump together in a giant mess!
If you’re making Italian Meringue instead, then see if there’s any grit when touching it with your finger – make sure no undissolved sugars are left on top.
We’ll start preparing for piping by using our pastry bag fitted with round tip number 10 (or 6).
Fill up about two-thirds full from one side only; don’t overfill otherwise these fragile pieces can break apart easily during transfer onto a baking sheet.
So let’s make one batch that is white, and the other pink.
To avoid any big air bubbles from happening in your piping, we are going to try our best to eliminate them before they happen by sucking some of the dough into a corner as if it was vacuum-packed.
Nobody wants their cake to look crazy because you shouldn’t have too many different colors on top of each other anyways! If you want to practice making perfect little stars with this recipe for frosting (which I recommend), just use the back or side of the spatula and create patterns up; see how well it goes?
You can even do something super messy like spoonfuls all over – but my personal recommendation would be simple pretty star designs.
Properly made meringues are great because they have a definite shape and they will not spread in the oven.
“Piping them too close together means that you won’t get air flowing around them, so it’s best to keep at least an inch between your piped lines of batter,” says Chef Herve Pouget from The French Culinary Institute.
“Otherwise, what we call ‘French Meringue’ might seem easier for some people since once sugar is added there shouldn’t be any problems with droopy or weeping batters.”
Most people who make meringue will say that you want to do this quickly; don’t go off and run an errand or something because the meringue will lose its consistency.
The very end of a piping bag is all we need, but it doesn’t matter if they are not exactly alike in size-this will be our snack time meringues! All done now.
Related Post: Cake Batter In Blender
Tips To Make Meringue Using Blender
1. Separate the egg whites from the yolks.
2. Whip the egg whites until they are stiff and form peaks.
3. Add sugar to the whipped egg whites in small amounts, while still whipping them so that it doesn’t deflate them.
4. Add a pinch of salt if desired, but this is not necessary for most recipes.
5. Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature before you start mixing.
Conclusion – Can Meringue Be Made In A Blender?
We recommend that you use your blender to mix the sugar if you want to make meringue but not for adding egg whites.
This is because, while blenders have sharp blades which will cut through the mixture and ruin the consistency of eggs, they come in handy when mixing ingredients together like sugar or nuts before baking a pie crust.
Related Post: How To Make Meringue With A Hand Blender
Frequently Asked Questions About Blender Meringue
Whipping egg whites in a blender is a viable option if you choose to do so. Nonetheless, there are some aspects to take into account before proceeding. Firstly, it is important to keep in mind that the blender will be left dirty after the process. Additionally, it’s crucial to ensure that the eggs are at room temperature before beginning the whipping process; otherwise, they may not whip up properly, leading to unnecessary difficulties during cleanup.
An electric beater can be used to make the perfect meringue with relative ease! With a little effort and the appropriate whisk, the meringue can be ready in no time. However, if you don’t have access to a mixer for any reason, this information may come in handy as well.
For creating a light and fluffy meringue, it’s advisable to utilize an electric beater. In addition, another option is to grind sugar into a fine powder using a food processor prior to preparing this classic dessert.
1. Separate the egg whites and yolks.
2. Whip the egg whites until they are stiff enough to form peaks.
3. Slowly add sugar, one tablespoon at a time, while continuing to whip the eggs.
4. Add vanilla extract or other flavorings as desired.
5. Beat until all of the sugar has been incorporated.
Meringue making requires a vital ingredient known as cream of tartar. This substance plays a significant role in stabilizing the egg whites, preventing them from curdling when whipped. As a result, the final product is an airy and light meringue that is both visually appealing and delicious.
1. French Meringue
2. Italian Meringue
3. Swiss Meringue