Ninja Blender Tips

Ninja Blender Making Grinding Noise

You know what’s frustrating? When you’re trying to make a smoothie and your Ninja Blender is making all this noise.

The good news is it doesn’t have to be that way.

There are some easy steps you can take the next time your Ninja starts grinding away and making that annoying sound.

Why Does My Ninja Blender Make Grinding Sound?

Ninja blender makes grinding noise

The Ninja blender, like most blenders, works by applying friction to the ingredients.

That’s why you have blades or a blade assembly that is spinning around at high speed. The friction between the blade and the ingredients causes consistent blending action.

When you’re using your Ninja for smoothies , soups, baby food purees , salsa, marinades, dips and more it can be incredibly handy. Nothing beats having all of those tasks completed with just one tool .

However, when things aren’t moving smoothly so to speak it can become frustrating. Your blades start grinding away at your food instead of providing a consistent spin – making this unpleasant noise in the process .

There are some common reasons for this issue:

1. An object is stuck in the blade assembly.

2. The jar lid isn’t properly secured.

3. Something has gone wrong with your motor .

4. Your blades are dull and need to be replaced .

5. You overfilled your jar.

Related Post: Is Ninja Blender Loud?

Ninja Blender Making Grinding Noise – Troubleshooting Guide

If the blender doesn’t turn or hums then stops before reaching full speed, you should check that all the pieces are assembled correctly by following this troubleshooting guide:

1) First, remove any non-food items from inside your blender jar, for example, metal utensils used for blending ice, lids, etc. Non-food items can confuse the sensors in the blade assembly.

2) Next, check to see if any food items are lodged between or under the blades. Food pieces can cause the blender to turn off by getting stuck between the blades and base of the jar when it reaches maximum speed.

3) Clean out your Ninja Blender regularly to keep it in good working order. Do not run the machine if there is a build-up of ingredients around its edges; this can stop it from properly operating. If this happens you should remove all residue with running water – do not immerse your appliance in water while plugged in (electric shock hazard). You can also use vinegar (for hard to remove stains) or baking soda (for removing odors). Ensure that all parts and seals (lid, blade assembly and jar lid) are in place and that they fit together correctly.

4) Make sure the Ninja Blender is on a flat, stable surface. A jar with too much weight (or unsteadiness) can cause your appliance to shake or make strange noises when it is on maximum speed. If your blender is on an unsteady surface you should place it on a countertop that is stable and level – do not use high-gloss surfaces which could create friction during operation.

5) Check to see if the blender blades are touching the bottom of the jar before starting it up for use, or if they are clogged with food items or liquids. Sometimes this may stop all grinding sounds but will still allow smooth blending.

6) When you start your Ninja Blender does it hum without turning? This could be due to a build-up of food items, ingredients or liquids at the bottom of your jar. Remove these before trying again.

7) Lubricate our blender’s o ring seals every three to six months after use. This will keep them moving freely and making less noise during blending operations. Alternatively, you can purchase new parts if lubrication doesn’t fix the issue.

8) After putting your Ninja Blender jar lid on you might notice there’s a small amount of space between the blade assembly and the blades below it – that’s normal. If it is significantly off or damaged then this could be causing issues with your smooth blend-ability , so check for any damage.

9) Ensure you’re using stable containers and accessories, such as food jars and cups, when using your Ninja Blender to prevent spillage and overfilling while processing ingredients. Overfilling may cause damage or injury due to the contents spilling out of the jar while the blender is on maximum speed.

10) If your food jars are cracked or chipped this can cause weird noises during operation – replace them immediately to avoid unwanted accidents. If you use your blender frequently you should notice any damage quickly, but occasional users might not be aware until it’s too late.

11) If none of the above steps work it’s time to find an independent Ninja Customer Service agent for additional help via online chat or phone. Don’t forget that you can also contact customer service if you need warranty claims and repairs.

There you have it.

You can now stop that grinding noise and get back to smooth, delicious Ninja Blender concoctions!

Looking for some quiet blenders to buy? Check out which blender is not loud.

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AboutKelly A Hartigan

Kelly A Hartigan has been an avid consumer of blenders for years. She is passionate about helping others find the best blender for their needs and has tried different brands on her quest to find the perfect match.

She loves to blend fruit and vegetables into juices, which she drinks throughout the day for good health.

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