Vitamix Recipes

Enjoy A Mexican Style Vitamix Tortilla Soup Recipe!

Vitamix is the world’s leading manufacturer of high-performance blenders, enabling people to blend whole foods and healthy ingredients easily and efficiently for improved nutrition. 

This post will contain a Vitamix chicken tortilla soup recipe that can be made in just 5 minutes!

tortilla soup in Vitamix

Is Vitamix Good For Making Hot Soups?

Vitamix blenders are ideal for creating hot soups like this chicken tortilla soup recipe. Heat is created within the blender itself, not through an external vessel like a stove or microwave oven, allowing you to avoid bringing any additional flavors into your soup.

Related Post: Making Hot Soup In Vitamix

Vitamix Chicken Tortilla Soup Recipe

For the Vitamix chicken tortilla soup recipe, you will need:

  1. 1 can (14.5 oz.) of low-sodium and low-fat diced tomatoes (be sure to buy an extra 1/2 can)
  2. 2 cans (4 oz.) low sodium black beans, drained and rinsed well
  3. 4 cups of chicken broth (low sodium preferred)
  4. 1 small onion, roughly chopped 
  5. 2 garlic cloves, peeled + smashed with skin on (not chopped)
  6. 1 teaspoon cumin powder or ground cumin*  (if using powdered instead of ground seeds, you’ll need less at about a tsp.)
  7. 1/ packet (.6 oz.) Old El Paso taco seasoning mix
  8. 1/4 cup fresh cilantro leaves, stems removed before weighing
  9. Fresh lime juice from 1 or 2 limes (optional)
  10. Salt to taste (about 1 tsp.)
  11. Freshly ground black pepper to taste


Combine all of the ingredients except for the lime juice and cilantro in a large pot. 

Cover and bring to a boil over medium heat. 

Reduce the heat until the mixture is at a simmer and cook uncovered for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

Turn off the stovetop, remove the cover, add lime juice + chopped cilantro leaves if desired. Serve with some freshly baked tortilla chips!  

*You can substitute Old El Paso taco seasoning mix for any other taco seasoning mix if desired.

*If you love spicy foods, you can add extra cayenne pepper to the soup according to your taste preferences!

Which Vitamix Is Best For Making Hot Soups?

Vitamix blenders come in a variety of types and sizes, all of which are capable of creating hot soups like this chicken tortilla soup recipe. 

The least expensive models such as the Vitamix 5200 or Professional Series 300 (both standard home versions) will create hot soups without any problems. 

For more high-end options, we recommend checking out the Vitamix 750 and 7500.

Here are some other options for best blender for making soup.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Vitamix Model Should Be Used For Hot Soups?

All of the models mentioned above will work to create hot soups like this chicken tortilla soup recipe. 

However, we don’t recommend the cheaper standard versions such as the Vitamix 5200 as they do not come with pre-programmed settings, which makes them a little more challenging to use right out of the box.

Are There Any Other Ingredients That Can Be Added To The Vitamix Chicken Tortilla Soup Recipe?

Yes! Feel free to add any additional vegetables or spices you might enjoy – carrots, mushrooms, celery stalks, peas, green beans… The possibilities are endless! We also recommend using low sodium vegetable broth instead of just chicken broth.

Is Using Extra Black Beans Bad For You?

Using extra black beans in this Vitamix chicken tortilla soup recipe is not bad for you. However, it may slightly increase the calorie content of your meal. 

We recommend checking with your doctor to see if there are any dietary restrictions that would be relevant before eating it.

How Do I Thicken Vitamix Chicken Tortilla Soup?

One way to thicken this Vitamix chicken tortilla soup recipe is by using a cornstarch slurry. Combine 2 tablespoons of cold water with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and mix it well. Then, pour the mixture into the simmering pot of soup (or blender) and stir continuously until the soup thickens up to your desired consistency.

How Long Will Vitamix Chicken Tortilla Soup Last In Fridge?

If stored in an airtight container, this Vitamix chicken tortilla soup recipe can last in the fridge for up to 3 days. We do not recommend freezing it as this may alter the texture of the ingredients.

How Can I Make This Vitamix Chicken Tortilla Soup Recipe Less Spicy?

To reduce the spiciness of this Vitamix chicken tortilla soup recipe, simply remove some or all of the seeds found inside of each chili pepper prior to chopping them up. You can also remove some or all of their ribs if you prefer something less spicy.

Why Is My Vitamix Chicken Tortilla Soup Recipe Too Salty?

If your Vitamix chicken tortilla soup is too salty, there are a few ways you can adjust its taste. 

First, you should reduce the amount of salt that you are using. 

Second, you can add some water or broth to your meal to dilute its taste or use low sodium versions of both ingredients. 

Third, rinse your beans before adding them to the soup if they have been packaged in a salty brine.

How Long Does It Take To Blend The Vitamix Chicken Tortilla Soup Recipe?

Blending up this Vitamix chicken tortilla soup recipe takes about 5 minutes once all of the ingredients have been properly combined inside your blender jar. 

Make sure the lid is on tight and choose one of the pre-programmed settings depending on which Vitamix model you are using (see above).

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Vitamix Cabbage Soup

Taco Soup In Vitamix 

Vitamix Avocado Soup Recipe

Vitamix Chicken Tortilla Soup Recipe – Wrap Up

Thanks for reading this Vitamix chicken tortilla soup recipe post! We hope you found it interesting and informative. 

This easy homemade meal can be made in less than 5 minutes (once the ingredients are prepared) without any of the preservatives or additives contained in canned soups.

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AboutKelly A Hartigan

Kelly A Hartigan has been an avid consumer of blenders for years. She is passionate about helping others find the best blender for their needs and has tried different brands on her quest to find the perfect match.

She loves to blend fruit and vegetables into juices, which she drinks throughout the day for good health.

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