Ninja Blender Tips

Sharpen Ninja Blender Blades : 10 Simple Sharpening Tricks

Blender blades dull? This article will show you how to sharpen ninja blender blades so they can serve you well.

A Ninja blender is a great kitchen appliance for any food lover. But even the best appliances need to be cared for, and if the Ninja blender users take care of your blender blades, they will last longer and work better.

A Ninja has three different blade types: one serrated blade, two slicers, and one grinder/chopper.

All of these Ninja’s blades are made from stainless steel with a laser-cut edge that never needs sharpening.

The only thing that wears down over time is the rubberized suction cups on the bottom that hold it in place during use or transport.

If those wear out too much, replace them with new ones!

Can You Sharpen Ninja Blender Blade?

Ninja blender blade

Yes, though depending on the material of the blade, if you sharpen blender blades, it may be sharper than when new.

Using coarse steel or aluminum to sharpen is usually best for most blades (unless you know for certain that your blade is made from stainless steel). If you’re not confident in your knife sharpening skills yet, it’s best to take items to a professional.

If done too quickly or roughly, blender blade sharpening could actually end up damaging the blades more and ruining them completely.

When finishing off a metal edge with a stone, make sure to start at a 90° angle and always stay flat against the stone as you sharpen. Additionally, avoid “rocking” back and forth over any uneven spots.

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What Makes The Blades Blunt?

Over time, the blades can become dull. This is usually due to frequent use, not cleaning properly between uses, and/or letting food get stuck in the blade’s teeth.

If this happens, try using warm soapy water to remove any gunk or food bits that may be stuck inside the blades.

Sometimes even if you do your best to keep them clean, food particles might still find their way into the crevices of the blades. These difficult-to-reach spots are what cause blenders blades’ sharpest edges to dull over time.

If you use your Ninja regularly for tough jobs like making nut butter or crushing ice cubes then you’ll want to make sure you give it a quick rinse every now and then.

10 Simple Steps For Sharpening Ninja Blender Blades

how to sharpen my Ninja blades

Here’s the guide to sharpening blender blades on Ninja –

  1. Clean your Ninja blades and base with soap and water, then dry them before you begin to sharpen. It’s also a good idea to lubricate the surface with cooking oil so the blades don’t stick while you’re sharpening (you can use butter, margarine, or even non-stick cooking spray).
  2. Use an extra-sharp kitchen knife or metal file to sharpen for just a few seconds on each blade at a time in order to sharpen them. Do not press down too hard because this could chip off pieces of your blade that would only need replacing, which is much more expensive than having it professionally sharpened.
  3. Lubricate the blade with cooking oil before using the sharpener again.
  4. Repeat step two until all blades are sharpened. You’ll know they’re done when you can easily run your finger across the blade and feel no resistance.
  5. To clean, use a damp cloth dipped in soapy water before wiping them down with a dry cotton towel to prevent rust from forming on the blades. If there is any excess dust or grime, you can dust it away with your fingers while the surface is still wet with soapy water (this will save time later if you wash everything in one shot).
  6. Store your blender blades either in the box they came in or a drawer for safekeeping.
  7. If you find that any of your blades have been chipped, you can purchase new ones online and install them easily yourself with just a screwdriver (see link below).
  8. Never wash blender blades in a dishwasher! The high heat could warp parts making it nearly impossible to put them back together correctly and cleanly after washing.
  9. Before using your Ninja again, inspect all the parts carefully to make sure everything is working properly and none of the safety features like your lid or pitcher are damaged from being dropped or thrown into a drawer too hard. You should also run through the self-cleaning mode to help get all the lubricant off of the parts and prevent them from wearing down over time (just be sure to unplug it first!)
  10. Your blender blades have a one-year warranty so if you encounter issues within that timeframe, contact their customer service department at They’re always willing to help out!

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How Long Does Ninja Blender Blade Last?

These blades only need to be sharpened if the rubberized suction cups on the bottom of your Ninja blender base are completely worn out. If those wear out, you can replace them by ordering replacement parts on Amazon.

Some customers have had these sharpened blender blades for as long as five years before needing to replace the rubberized suction cups. So their life is quite long compared to traditional serrated kitchen knives!

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How Can I Make Blades Last Longer?

You’ll want to replace these suction cups on a regular basis because they wear out over time.

When you use Ninja blender for several years, some older Ninja blenders may have missing or worn-down suction cups that don’t hold their blades in place as strongly as new ones, even after you sharpen them.

If you notice this, just know you can always buy new suction cups fairly cheaply online.

You can also prolong the life of your blender blades by hand-washing them in warm, soapy water to clean them after each use. Drying them well before storage is a must too!

Make sure you always have a good grip on your Ninja blender and blades as you wash them and especially when replacing the blades for storage!

Even if gripped tightly, make sure to place it carefully back into its base with the blades facing up or down depending on the model. Don’t place it on its side!!

This will prevent any bacteria from growing inside the base where it may sometimes be hard to clean.

Related Post: Ways To Sharpen Blender Blades

Tips To Sharpen Blender Blades

Clean Your Ninja Blades

Before attempting to sharpen your blender blades, it’s recommended that you clean them first. This will remove any substances on the blades that may affect the sharpening of the blades.

Keep The Track Of Your Blade Covers

Make sure to keep a track of all your blade covers! When one goes missing, it can be easy to accidentally cut yourself with a knife or another kitchen utensil while reaching for something else. Instead of constantly wondering where your blender cover is, make it easier by keeping track of them as best as possible.

Be sure not to misplace them as easily as some other kitchen appliances have been known to cause their own accidents from being misplaced too often.

Be Careful

Being careful with your blades is a good idea for two reasons. First, you wouldn’t want to accidentally cut yourself on a sharp blade that was not meant to be sharpened.

Second, you don’t want to damage the blades further by being careless or putting too much pressure on it.

Don’t Use Metal Whetstones To Sharpen

Using metal whetstones can easily scratch and ruin your blender blades! Instead opt for ceramic honing stones instead (they’re made specifically for knives and other kitchen appliances that need gentle care).

Use A Light Stroke And Be Patient

When using steel or aluminum, be sure to use short light strokes when trying to sharpen Ninja blender blades. This is to stay safe and avoid any damage to the blades.

Be sure to use a light touch, as it’s possible that you’ll end up putting too much pressure on the blade and potentially ruin it!

Make Sure To Test The Edge Of Your Blade Often When Sharpening

When sharpening blunt blades, make sure to test often while doing so. There should be some resistance when cutting through items like carrots or celery (this is normal). If there isn’t any resistance at all, you may actually be damaging your blade instead of sharpening it.

It’s best to stop sharpening if this becomes the case and try again later after testing the edge of your blades.

How To Properly Take Care Of Your Ninja Blender Blades

  1. Make sure to wipe your blender blades dry with a kitchen towel after each use or run the self-cleaning mode on your Ninja blender to get them extra clean (you do not need to unplug it first for this step).
  2. Wipe down the lid and pitcher too, just in case! This is a good habit to get into with any appliance.
  3. Always keep these sharp blades away from children and pets as they are dangerous when handled incorrectly!
  4. Keep in mind that Ninja blender replacement parts are always available online should you need them so you can buy new suction cups if needed fairly cheaply by following this link:
  5. Don’t try using oven cleaner or harsh chemicals as these may damage your blender blades or remove the non-stick coating on them.
  6. Keep all parts dry and don’t let water get into any hidden spaces inside (like underneath the base) over time, as this can also lead to rusting and other damage that may affect performance down the line.
  7. Always unplug the appliance before cleaning it to avoid accidental starts which could injure you if you’re not holding onto the pitcher or lid tightly at that moment!
  8. Don’t put any of these sharp blender blades in a dishwasher as this can cause them to dull more quickly over time due to constant rubbing against other utensils in there or getting banged around by their surroundings during washing and drying cycles.
  9. Never touch the blade of any Ninja blender without first unplugging it and wearing thick oven mitts to be extra safe, as these blades are extremely sharp!
  10. Make sure to store your Ninja blender with its operating base open and dry so no moisture gets in over time (don’t let water or soap sit inside too long). Also, make sure to keep the lid off when storing it for an even longer life.

Ninja Blender Blades Replacement

Sharpen Ninja Blender Blade – Conclusion

Remember that you can always buy new suction cups quite cheaply if needed.

If you follow these ten simple steps about sharpening Ninja blades, your appliance will last for years and work just like new every day!

Thank you for reading this article on how to take care of your blender blades and how to sharpen them. Don’t forget to share this blog post with your friends!

AboutKelly A Hartigan

Kelly A Hartigan has been an avid consumer of blenders for years. She is passionate about helping others find the best blender for their needs and has tried different brands on her quest to find the perfect match.

She loves to blend fruit and vegetables into juices, which she drinks throughout the day for good health.

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